World Politics – Comparative Analysis

World Politics

World Politics – Comparative Analysis

World Politics, also called global politics, refers to the field which studies the interaction of nations within the global political economy. In the center of this field are the various processes of socio-economic globalisation in reference to issues of political power. The study of global politics is intimately connected with political science and international business. There is a high level of interdependency of world politics with other fields such as the international business, finance, economics, geo-political analysis and other related subjects. There is enormous interaction and influence on the political systems of the major countries and their international trade and policies.

If we are going to develop any kind of effective strategy for the future then it is necessary to have some understanding of world politics. Any comprehensive study will make use of some of the most important frameworks and analytic techniques such as geo-political analysis, diplomacy, national economic and social policy and international law. A student interested in pursuing a degree in International Relations, for example, should be prepared to undertake intensive courses in political science, international business and international economics. It is also necessary for the aspiring student to have some knowledge of the concepts like sociology, anthropology, law and history. He should have a working knowledge of foreign languages.

Geopolitics, which is the study of world politics which has become a popular subject since the Second World War, has its own distinct area of research. Geopolitics is a branch of geo-political science dealing with the rivalry between great powers. One of the most important areas of geo-political analysis is international relations, which has many applications in the fields like negotiation, diplomacy, multilateral action and soft war. There are many journals and magazines on world politics that have wide circulation among students and researchers. For a comprehensive knowledge of world politics it is essential to have some fundamental understanding of mathematics like algebra, geometry and trigonometry.

Comparative political economy is another important branch of world politics. This area of study compares how different countries economically function. A comparative study of comparative politics and international relations tries to reveal the political dynamics that influence the formation of national economies. The scope of comparative politics is quite wide. It can include all the aspects of politics from international trade to natural resources to technology.

Globalization is an important part of world politics. It has resulted in the increasing interaction of people across the world. It has also opened new possibilities for businesses to establish themselves in different corners of the globe. Today, multinational corporations have become an integral part of world politics. International organizations like UNESCO, World Health Organization and World Trade Organization are examples of international organizations that have played significant roles in globalization. A small business could also take advantage of globalization by establishing its own global presence by becoming an active member of any one of these organizations.

History and geography are also essential elements of world politics. International political science seeks to understand how various nations view their relationship with each other, what drives that relationship and what the ramifications of that relationship are. This research seeks to explain the processes through which power, diplomacy, trade, religion, ethnicity and identity are related in international politics. This comparative research enables researchers to draw a detailed picture of how different cultural and political factors shape the international landscape today.

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