Politics: An Introduction


Politics: An Introduction

Politics is the organized set of interrelated activities which are performed by people in behalf of the social institution or group, such as voting for a share of ownership in a firm, establishing institutions or political parties, forming governments, deliberating over important issues, and organizing social events. The branch of political science which studies government and politics is called political science. There are numerous different types of political theory and it includes the philosophy of government, liberal arts theory, the constitutional law, the political science and public administration. It also covers international politics, national politics, constitutional law, and social science.

Politics has been the object of inquiry by many eminent thinkers. Aristotle defined politics as a way of choosing the ruler among various eligible men. Plato argued that all political systems are based on universal ethics, and that politics is about what would be good for human beings. Machiavelli advised that rulers should fear the people and have control over them through the authority of the state, because people may turn against a ruler if they feel unjustly threatened. Jean-Jacques Angrist distinguished four sorts of politics, which areitarian politics, aristocratic politics, democratic politics, and opportunistic politics.

Since the introduction of the World Wide Web, political parties have also developed online presence to reach out to a greater audience and participate actively in the political process. There are several websites that showcase information and resources on political parties and their candidates. These websites often provide a basic rundown of different party positions, as well as the main offices of political parties in a country or state. There are many blogs that focus on the local or national political scene.

One of the most popular venues on the World Wide Web for checking on politicians is the Wikipedia page. This website maintains an enormous database of information on nearly every politician in the world. Any type of political party – whether left or right, liberal or conservative, pro-business or pro-socialist – can find information on its official website through the Wikipedia entry. Some political pundits and commentators compare the Wikipedia page with the Politiosphere, a reference forum on major newspapers and news channels. Some compare the two in terms of quality and quantity of information available, while others merely note the existence of the Wikipedia page.

In addition to the Wikipedia page, a number of blogs and social networking sites exist on the Internet to provide information on politics. These include Facebook’s Politburo page, which allows users to interact with other political candidates and civic leaders; Google’s Political Class; and Twitter’s trending topic. Blogs and social networking sites are particularly useful for disseminating general election campaign information, such as advertisements and donations. However, unlike blogs, these sites focus exclusively on political topics, such as debates, proposals, leadership, and policies.

Politics is an important and relevant topic in the modern age. It encompasses a wide range of topics from world policy and military affairs to international business and social policy. While the political systems of some countries may differ slightly from those of other countries, politics continues to have an influence on the lives of millions of people throughout the world.

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